profile picture;
Duan Tu | 涂端

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Email: dtu4 at uic dot edu
Office: SEO 1323

I am a PhD candidate at the MSCS Department of University of Illinois Chicago. I am fortunate to be advised by Lev Reyzin. My area of focus is Mathematical Computer Science and I am particularly interested in machine learning theory, combinatorial optimization, and application of probability theory in theoretical computer science.

In Fall 2023 – Spring 2024, I am co-organizing the UIC CS Theory Seminar with Karoline Dubin. Please shoot us an email if you have any suggestions for topics / speakers!



(* indicates alphabetical order)

Theoretical Computer Science
  1. On Sample Reuse Methods for Answering k-wise Statistical Queries.
    Lev Reyzin*, Duan Tu*
    In 18th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM), 2024.

  2. Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma on Sparse Graphs.
    Joint with Vishesh Jain. In preperation.

  3. Efficient Synthetic Data Generator.
    Joint with Lev Reyzin. In preperation.

Mathematical Biology
  1. Microglia Senescence Occurs in Both Substantia Nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area.
    Fatemeh Shaerzadeh, Leah Phan, Douglas Miller, Maxwell Dacquel, William Hachmeister, Carissa Hansen, Alexandra Bechtle, Duan Tu, Maia Martcheva, Thomas Foster, Ashok Kumar, Wolfgang Streit, Habibeh Khoshbouei.
    Glia. 2020;68 (11), 2228-2245.


On Sample Reuse Methods for Answering k-wise Statistical Queries.
  • Jan 2024, UIC Graduate Student Colloquium, Chicago, IL
  • Jan 2024, ISAIM 2024, Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • July, 2023, SLMath: Mathematics of Big Data: Sketching and (Multi-) Linear Algebra SLMath Summer Graduate School, IBM Research Almaden, CA
Modeling Cell Population and Morphology of Microglia and Dopamine Neurons in the Midbrain of Mice During Aging.
  • Nov 2019, NIMBioS Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, UT Knoxville, TN


Current Semester

In Spring 2024, I am an instructor for Math 182: Emerging Scholars Workshop for Calculus II and a TA for Math 181: Calculus II.

My office hours are: Tuesdays 10 - 10:50am at the Math and Science Learning Center.

Past Teaching

University of Illinois Chicago
  • Instructor
    • Math 182 Emerging Scholars Workshop for Calculus II: Sp '24

  • Teaching Assistant
    • Math 181 Calculus II: Sp '23, Fa '23, Sp '24
    • Math 180 Calculus I: Fa '20, Sp '21, Sp '22
    • Math 110 College Algebra: Fa '21
    • Math 105 Mathematical Reasoning: Fa '22

  • Grader
    • STAT 401 Introduction to Probability: Fa '23


My CV can be found here.